SportsEngine Registration: Poudre School District

Wellington High School Athletics Registration 2024-2025


Wellington High School Athletic Registration

Be sure to Log In to your PSD Athletics Account before going any further on this page--if you do not have an account yet, please create one via Sports Engine.  You will use this account for the duration of your participation in PSD Athletics. 


  • Your registration for an Orange "Permit to Practice" Card  requires you to enter a registration session by clicking the blue CONTINUE button at the bottom of this page. This will allow you to complete some of the required forms for sports registration.
  • Each season opens at designated times closer to the official CHSAA start date for those sports. Once you have your account & student profile(s) created, you should be able to just select the new sport per season & update information as needed.
  • If you are not enrolled as a student for 2024-2025, you must have a Placement Letter on file with the PSD Athletic Office (Lori Willadsen, 970-490-3332).  You must also complete the paper registration packet & submit all forms in person to the PSD school where you will compete  athletically.  Please do not advance into the online registration component, as this may cause a delay in your Orange Card.

Athletes enrolled  should complete online registration, and you will receive an email confirmation.  Once online registration is completed you will have the option to pay the fee either with a credit card or cash/check.  Cash and check payments must  be delivered to the school athletic office or bookkeeper.

The full PSD Athletic Fee chart can be found at

WMHS & PSD Non-Charter Student Fees: 

  • All Sports fee: $205 per sport
  • Unified Sports: $100 per sport
  • Boys Ice Hockey: $205  plus additional fee (up to $1,000)
  • Nordic Skiing: $205 plus additional fee 'pay as you go'

Home-Based, Charter and Private School Student Fees:

  • All Sports fee: $305 per sport
  • Unified Sports: $150 per sport
  • Boys Ice Hockey: $305 plus  additional fee  (up to $1,000)
  • Nordic Skiing: $305 plus an additional fee 'pay as you go'

Greg Fisher

Athletic Assistant

Phone: 970-72-2716

Hilarie Bartling

Athletic Director

Phone: 970-472-2716